This is from a golden archive of Global Quality Partners. While quoted industry statistics are a bit dated, the problem of web performance is with us as never before.
As children, we were always told to mind our "P"'s and "Q"'s. Good sound advice. With the ever present arrival of Mobile ubiquity and "Generation M", it is clear that whatever type of website you host, especially if it is marketed to the general public, you need to mind your PQTM (Performance engineering Quotient) as well.
Here are just a few mobile statistics to consider, as mobile computing is, and will transform our lives:
- 56% of American adults are now smartphone owners. (Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project, 2013)
- Mobile now accounts for 12 percent of Americans’ media consumption time, triple its share in 2009. (Source: Digiday, 2013)
- By the end of 2013, there will be more mobile devices on Earth than people. (Source:Cisco, 2013)
- Consumers spent six times as much time in retailers’ apps in December compared to a year earlier. (Source: Flurry, 2013)
- Internet access via mobile is no longer a niche activity and is increasingly becoming part of everyone’s lives. 50% of the average global mobile web users now use mobile as either their primary or exclusive means of going online. (Source: inmobi, 2013)
And to boot, according to other survey results, we now use our mobile devices in bed, in the bathroom, while watching TV, and generally while we are waiting. (Source: inmobi, 2012).
In recent news, some Executives of today's trendy mobile startups, having experienced some very public scalability debacles, would have you believe that it is impossible to build a scalable mobile web solution (read more here). It's not true. Don't believe it for a second. Don't allow your Company to experience the same fate as these startups!
Now, it shoud be noted that when we say mobile, we are talking about smartphones, tablets, and other handheld or subnotebook devices that access the internet.
So, with the proliferation of such devices, the increased user base, as well as the increased time of usage (compared to desktop and traditional internet access options), you need to take mobile seriously in your Performance Engineering and Scalability endeavors. You MUST keep up with the times.
To make sure you are keeping pace with the times, take a test below and determine your "Performance engineering Quotient"TM, or PQTM.
It's time to start minding your PQ. Is your Company working at a Genius level when it comes to your Performance Engineering practice?
We are sure you will find the results of this scorecard both enlightening and informative.
Click the following link to download the GQP Performance engineeringQuotient Scorecard.
If you score 160 or above, then your Company is operating at Genius level when it comes to Performance Engineering Practice.
If you score between 120 and 159, then there is room for improvement.
If you score below 120, then you may want to seek professional help, in order to reach your full potential. Give us a call, we can help!
If you'd like to discuss your results, the "GQP Performance engineering Quotient Scorecard" in general, or how we may be able to help you improve your PQTM, please feel free to contact us.
NOTE: Throughout the scorecard, we refer to the term ***CFWAs (or Customer Facing Web Apps). It should be noted that these can be internal, or external to an organization, and that the term refers to any application that communicates via HTTP(S) and it's related technologies (this includes mobile apps, mobile browser apps, desktop browser apps, etc.).
posted by: gqjournal